Weekly community meeting


  • Trevor Grant
  • Tommy Naugle

Old Business

  1. Happy hour some week soon, invite collaborators and conspirators
  2. Drop this meeting time from two hours to a half hour
  3. Coordinate on JIRA
    • Web site cleanup (~210 broken links fixed out of ~220, tommy continuing)
    • Continued qumat data structure work (tommy in flight, akm to review)
  4. Ask INFRA to help us make sure PRs are defaulting to main instead of trunk (akm) (done)
  5. Kernel method research spike: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAHOUT-2200
  6. Make ticket to add notebooks to notebooks directory in source tree (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAHOUT-2198)
  7. Add execute method to qumat https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAHOUT-2201
  8. Rebuild JIRA - now that we have wiped it clean, on the qumat side anyway, lets start grooming tasks into the appropriate components/releases/etc (todo)
    • Including adding filters to all boards so only those tickets show up (todo)

New Business

  1. Tommy is working on making a docker container for previewing website builds
  2. Trevor is pivoting from kernel research into implementing POC for cirq ie the 9 gates and circuit execute

Other Business