Weekly community meeting


  • Andrew Musselman
  • Trevor Grant

Old Business

  1. Happy hour some week soon, invite collaborators and conspirators
  2. Kernel method research spike
  3. Make ticket to add notebooks to notebooks directory in source tree
  4. Add execute method to qumat
  5. Rebuild JIRA - now that we have wiped it clean, on the qumat side anyway, lets start grooming tasks into the appropriate components/releases/etc (todo)
    • Including adding filters to all boards so only those tickets show up (todo)
    • See new business about moving to GH Issues, this will go away

New Business

  1. Splitting Mahout project code into discrete repos
    • mahout-website
    • mahout-classic
    • mahout-samsara
    • mahout-qumat
  2. Create testing suite template
  3. Docker image for web site build
  4. Cirq backend
  5. Moving to GitHub Issues instead of JIRA
  6. Next steps for qiskit and cirq back ends

Other Business