

package scalabindings

Mahout matrices and vectors' scala syntactic sugar

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. scalabindings
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ElementOps extends AnyRef

  2. type MDBinaryFunc = (Matrix, Double, Option[Matrix]) ⇒ Matrix

  3. type MMBinaryFunc = (Matrix, Matrix, Option[Matrix]) ⇒ Matrix

    Binary matrix-matrix operations which may save result in-place, optionally

  4. type MMUnaryFunc = (Matrix, Option[Matrix]) ⇒ Matrix

    Matrix-matrix unary func

  5. type MVBinaryFunc = (Matrix, Vector, Option[Matrix]) ⇒ Matrix

  6. class MahoutVectorInterfaces extends AnyRef

  7. class MatlabLikeMatrixOps extends MatrixOps

  8. class MatlabLikeTimesOps extends AnyRef

  9. class MatlabLikeVectorOps extends VectorOps

    R-like operators.

  10. class MatrixOps extends AnyRef

  11. final class RLikeDoubleScalarOps extends AnyVal

  12. class RLikeMatrixOps extends MatrixOps

  13. class RLikeVectorOps extends VectorOps

    R-like operators

  14. type VMBinaryFunc = (Vector, Matrix, Option[Matrix]) ⇒ Matrix

  15. class VectorOps extends AnyRef

    Syntactic sugar for mahout vectors

  16. trait opMMulSolver extends (Matrix, Matrix, Option[Matrix]) ⇒ Matrix

Value Members

  1. final val ::: Range

  2. object AutoBooleanEnum extends Enumeration

  3. object MMul extends MMulSolver

  4. object MahoutCollections

  5. object MatlabLikeOps

    Matlab-like operators.

  6. object MatrixOps

  7. object RLikeOps

    R-like operators.

  8. def chol(m: Matrix, pivoting: Boolean = false): CholeskyDecomposition

  9. def colMeanStdevs(mxA: Matrix): (Vector, Vector)

    Compute column-wise means and stdevs.

    Compute column-wise means and stdevs.




    colMeans → colStdevs

  10. def colMeanVars(mxA: Matrix): (Vector, Vector)

    Compute column-wise means and variances.

    Compute column-wise means and variances.


    colMeans → colVariances

  11. def dense[R](rows: R*): DenseMatrix

    Create dense matrix out of inline arguments -- rows -- which can be tuples, iterables of Double, or just single Number (for columnar vectors)

    Create dense matrix out of inline arguments -- rows -- which can be tuples, iterables of Double, or just single Number (for columnar vectors)


  12. def densityAnalysis(mx: Matrix, threshold: Double = 0.25): Boolean

    Check the density of an in-core matrix based on supplied criteria.

    Check the density of an in-core matrix based on supplied criteria. Returns true if we think mx is denser than threshold with at least 80% confidence.


    The matrix to check density of.


    the threshold of non-zero elements above which we consider a Matrix Dense

  13. def diag(v: Double, size: Int): DiagonalMatrix

  14. def diagv(v: Vector): DiagonalMatrix

  15. def dist(mxX: Matrix, mxY: Matrix): Matrix

  16. def dist(mxX: Matrix): Matrix

  17. def dvec(numbers: Number*): DenseVector

  18. def dvec(ddata: TraversableOnce[Double]): DenseVector

  19. def dvec(fromV: Vector): DenseVector

  20. def eigen(m: Matrix): (Matrix, Vector)

    Computes Eigendecomposition of a symmetric matrix

    Computes Eigendecomposition of a symmetric matrix


    symmetric input matrix


    (V, eigen-values-vector)

  21. def eigenFull(m: Matrix, symmetric: Boolean = true): Unit

    More general version of eigen decomposition

    More general version of eigen decomposition


    (V, eigenvalues-real-vector, eigenvalues-imaginary-vector)

  22. def eye(size: Int): DiagonalMatrix

  23. def mabs(m: Matrix): Matrix

  24. final val maxSamples: Int(500)

  25. def mexp(m: Matrix): Matrix

  26. final val minSamples: Int(15)

  27. def mlog(m: Matrix): Matrix

  28. def msignum(m: Matrix): Matrix

  29. def msqrt(m: Matrix): Matrix

  30. def prod2Vec(s: Product): DenseVector

  31. def qr(m: Matrix): (Matrix, Matrix)



    Right now Mahout's QR seems to be using argument for in-place transformations, so the matrix context gets messed after this. Hence we force cloning of the argument before passing it to Mahout's QR so to keep expected semantics.



  32. implicit def seq2Vector(s: TraversableOnce[AnyVal]): DenseVector

  33. def solve(a: Matrix, b: Vector): Vector

    Solution x of A*x = b using QR-Decomposition, where A is a square, non-singular matrix.

    Solution x of A*x = b using QR-Decomposition, where A is a square, non-singular matrix.



  34. def solve(a: Matrix): Matrix

    Solution A^{-1} of A*A^{-1} = I using QR-Decomposition, where A is a square, non-singular matrix.

    Solution A^{-1} of A*A^{-1} = I using QR-Decomposition, where A is a square, non-singular matrix. Here only for compatibility with R semantics.



  35. def solve(a: Matrix, b: Matrix): Matrix

    Solution X of A*X = B using QR-Decomposition, where A is a square, non-singular matrix.

    Solution X of A*X = B using QR-Decomposition, where A is a square, non-singular matrix.



  36. def sparse(rows: Vector*): SparseRowMatrix

    Default initializes are always row-wise.

    Default initializes are always row-wise. create a sparse, e.g.

    m = sparse(

  37. def sqDist(mxX: Matrix, mxY: Matrix): Matrix

    Pairwise squared distance computation.

    Pairwise squared distance computation.


    X, m x d


    Y, n x d


    pairwise squaired distances of row-wise data points in X and Y (m x n)

  38. def sqDist(mxX: Matrix): Matrix

    Compute square distance matrix.

    Compute square distance matrix. We assume data points are row-wise, similar to R's dist().

  39. def svd(m: Matrix): (Matrix, Matrix, DenseVector)

    computes SVD

    computes SVD


    svd input


    (U,V, singular-values-vector)

  40. def svec(sdata: TraversableOnce[(Int, AnyVal)], cardinality: Int = 1): RandomAccessSparseVector

    create a sparse vector out of list of tuple2's

    create a sparse vector out of list of tuple2's




  41. implicit def t10vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  42. implicit def t11vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  43. implicit def t12vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  44. implicit def t13vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  45. implicit def t14vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  46. implicit def t15vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  47. implicit def t16vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  48. implicit def t17vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  49. implicit def t18vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  50. implicit def t19vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  51. implicit def t1vec(s: (AnyVal)): Vector

  52. implicit def t20vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  53. implicit def t21vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  54. implicit def t22vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  55. implicit def t2vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  56. implicit def t3vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  57. implicit def t4vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  58. implicit def t5vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  59. implicit def t6vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  60. implicit def t7vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  61. implicit def t8vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  62. implicit def t9vec(s: (AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal, AnyVal)): Vector

  63. implicit def tuple2TravOnce2svec[V <: AnyVal](sdata: TraversableOnce[(Int, V)]): RandomAccessSparseVector

  64. def vabs(v: Vector): Vector

  65. def vexp(v: Vector): Vector

  66. def vlog(v: Vector): Vector

  67. def vsignum(v: Vector): Vector

  68. def vsqrt(v: Vector): Vector

  69. final val z80: Double(1.281552)

  70. final val z95: Double(1.959964)

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
