This quick start page shows how to build a decision forest using the partial implementation. This tutorial also explains how to use the decision forest to classify new data. Partial Decision Forests is a mapreduce implementation where each mapper builds a subset of the forest using only the data available in its partition. This allows building forests using large datasets as long as each partition can be loaded in-memory.
run the following command:
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar $MAHOUT_HOME/core/target/mahout-core-<VERSION>-job.jar -p testdata/KDDTrain+.arff -f testdata/ -d N 3 C 2 N C 4 N C 8 N 2 C 19 N L
The “N 3 C 2 N C 4 N C 8 N 2 C 19 N L” string describes all the attributes of the data. In this cases, it means 1 numerical(N) attribute, followed by 3 Categorical(C) attributes, …L indicates the label. You can also use ‘I’ to ignore some attributes
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar $MAHOUT_HOME/examples/target/mahout-examples-<version>-job.jar org.apache.mahout.classifier.df.mapreduce.BuildForest -Dmapred.max.split.size=1874231 -d testdata/KDDTrain+.arff -ds testdata/ -sl 5 -p -t 100 -o nsl-forest
which builds 100 trees (-t argument) using the partial implementation (-p). Each tree is built using 5 random selected attribute per node (-sl argument) and the example outputs the decision tree in the “nsl-forest” directory (-o). The number of partitions is controlled by the -Dmapred.max.split.size argument that indicates to Hadoop the max. size of each partition, in this case 1/10 of the size of the dataset. Thus 10 partitions will be used. IMPORTANT: using less partitions should give better classification results, but needs a lot of memory. So if the Jobs are failing, try increasing the number of partitions.
The example outputs the Build Time and the oob error estimation
10/03/13 17:57:29 INFO mapreduce.BuildForest: Build Time: 0h 7m 43s 582 10/03/13 17:57:33 INFO mapreduce.BuildForest: oob error estimate : 0.002325895231517865 10/03/13 17:57:33 INFO mapreduce.BuildForest: Storing the forest in: nsl-forest/forest.seq
run the following command:
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar $MAHOUT_HOME/examples/target/mahout-examples-<version>-job.jar org.apache.mahout.classifier.df.mapreduce.TestForest -i nsl-kdd/KDDTest+.arff -ds nsl-kdd/ -m nsl-forest -a -mr -o predictions
This will compute the predictions of “KDDTest+.arff” dataset (-i argument) using the same data descriptor generated for the training dataset (-ds) and the decision forest built previously (-m). Optionally (if the test dataset contains the labels of the tuples) run the analyzer to compute the confusion matrix (-a), and you can also store the predictions in a text file or a directory of text files(-o). Passing the (-mr) parameter will use Hadoop to distribute the classification.
The example should output the classification time and the confusion matrix
10/03/13 18:08:56 INFO mapreduce.TestForest: Classification Time: 0h 0m 6s 355 10/03/13 18:08:56 INFO mapreduce.TestForest: ======================================================= Summary ——————————————————- Correctly Classified Instances : 17657 78.3224% Incorrectly Classified Instances : 4887 21.6776% Total Classified Instances : 22544
======================================================= Confusion Matrix ——————————————————- a b <–Classified as 9459 252 | 9711 a = normal 4635 8198 | 12833 b = anomaly Default Category: unknown: 2
If the input is a single file then the output will be a single text file, in the above example ‘predictions’ would be one single file. If the input if a directory containing for example two files ‘’ and ‘’, then the output will be a directory ‘predictions’ containing two files ‘’ and ‘’
The “Decision Forest” code is still “a work in progress”, many features are still missing. Here is a list of some known issues: