Meeting Minutes
Weekly community meeting
- Andrew Musselman
- Trevor Grant
Old Business
- Happy hour some week soon, invite collaborators and conspirators
- Kernel method research spike
- Make ticket to add notebooks to notebooks directory in source tree
- Add execute method to qumat
- Rebuild JIRA - now that we have wiped it clean, on the qumat side anyway, lets start grooming tasks into the appropriate components/releases/etc (todo)
- Including adding filters to all boards so only those tickets show up (todo)
- See new business about moving to GH Issues, this will go away
New Business
- Splitting Mahout project code into discrete repos
- mahout-website
- mahout-classic
- mahout-samsara
- mahout-qumat
- Create testing suite template
- Docker image for web site build
- Cirq backend
- Moving to GitHub Issues instead of JIRA
- Next steps for qiskit and cirq back ends