Meeting Minutes
Weekly community meeting
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- Andrew Musselman
- Trevor Grant
Old Business
- Splitting Mahout project code into discrete repos (to Andrew)
- mahout-website
- mahout-classic
- mahout-samsara
- mahout-qumat
- Docker image for web site build (to Jowanza)
- Roadmap
- H1-2025
- Distributed quantum solvers
- H1-2025
- Add GitHub Project
- #463 Move PQC docs to this repo (done)
- #464 Parameterize R(X) (done)
- #465 Parameterize R(Z) (done)
- #466 Parameterize R(Y) (done)
- #467 Parameterize U (done)
- #468 Add a Parameter object (done)
- #469 Bind parameter values at execution (done)
- #461 Implement testing workflow
- #470 Add Qumat to PyPi